ISILDA PELICANO unique approach to fashion and uniform design has garnered her noteworthy admiration in the area of uniform design. Clients have included the Portuguese Government, Portugal Telecom for the Expo ‘98, UEFA Euro 2004™ and UEFA Euro 2008™.
Um projecto de fardamento tem na sua génese metodologias muito diversas do desenvolvimento de uma colecção. Um fardamento pressupõe à partida a existência de um conjunto de normas, condicionantes e pressupostos que, cabe ao designer descodificar e transformar num produto final coerente, estéticamente atractivo, funcional (na sua adequação às diferentes funções), económicamente viável e ainda que veicule a imagem institucional que a empresa pretenda transmitir. A área de fardamento é um departamento dentro da estrutura da empresa, com regras de trabalho próprias e uma vasta experiência (da concepção, ao fabrico e distribuição), onde se destacam, entre outros, clientes como a Portugal Telecom (para a EXPO'98), Central de Cervejas, Loja do Cidadão, Museu S.Roque, Coro Gregoriano de Lisboa, HPP-Hospitais Privados de Portugal (Grupo CGD), UEFA EURO 2004™, UEFA EURO 2008™ e JOGOS SANTA CASA.
A uniform´s project has, in its base, very different methodologies that distinguish it from the design of a collection. The design of a uniform assumes, from the beginning, the existence of a set of standards, constraints and assumptions that the designer has to decode and transform into a finished product that is simultaneously coherent, aesthetically appealing, functional (in the way it adapts to the different functions), economically viable, but also transmits the institutional image the Company intends to pass.
The uniforms' area is a department within the ISILDA PELICANO's structure, with its own set of working standards and a wide experience (from design to manufacturing and distribution). Amongst our clients, we can point out Portugal Telecom (for Expo'98), UEFA EURO 2004™, UEFA EURO 2008™ and JOGOS SANTA CASA Uniform.
A uniform´s project has, in its base, very different methodologies that distinguish it from the design of a collection. The design of a uniform assumes, from the beginning, the existence of a set of standards, constraints and assumptions that the designer has to decode and transform into a finished product that is simultaneously coherent, aesthetically appealing, functional (in the way it adapts to the different functions), economically viable, but also transmits the institutional image the Company intends to pass.
The uniforms' area is a department within the ISILDA PELICANO's structure, with its own set of working standards and a wide experience (from design to manufacturing and distribution). Amongst our clients, we can point out Portugal Telecom (for Expo'98), UEFA EURO 2004™, UEFA EURO 2008™ and JOGOS SANTA CASA Uniform.

Fardamento UEFA EURO 2008™ /// UEFA EURO 2008™ Uniforms

Fardamento CNID – Colete Fotojornalistas /// Photojournalists Vest – CNID Uniforms

Fardamento Coro Gospel de Lisboa /// Coro Gospel de Lisboa Uniforms

Fardamento Coro Gregoriano de Lisboa /// Coro Gregoriano de Lisboa Uniforms

Fardamento UEFA EURO 2004™ /// UEFA EURO 2004™ Uniforms

Fardamento da Portugal Telecom na EXPO’98 /// Portugal Telecom Uniforms for EXPO’98